Omnec Onec

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Omnec’s Recommendations

Omnec’s Recommendations

Omnec’s new information from her Uncle Odin about the Transformation Process of the Earth These are the current links and information that Omnec Onec is recommending since it corresponds to the new information that her Uncle Odin has been giving her since her...
Omnec Onec in Hungary/Budapest 2016

Omnec Onec in Hungary/Budapest 2016

Omnec Onec in Hungary/Budapest July 16 and 17, 2016 ✨ Extraterrestrial Contact ✨ Soul Journey ✨ Transformation of the Earth✨ First (and probably last) visit of Venusian Omnec Onec in Hungary! If you are in that area and if you are interested in extraterrestrial...
Rob Potter Interview with Omnec Onec, March 30, 2016

Rob Potter Interview with Omnec Onec, March 30, 2016

Rob Potter, Victor of the Light Radio Show, interviews Omnec Onec on various current subjects The latest interview with Omnec Onec is now online! Robert Potter from the Victory of the Light Radio Show spoke with her on the telephone on March 30, 2016 about several...