Curtis Cooperman interviewed Omnec Onec per Skype
On Thursday 12th, 2013, Curtis Cooperman from New Jersey, USA, interviewed Omnec Onec and Anja CR Schäfer per Skype.
Curtis recorded the sound of this interview. You can directly listen to the stream here: Interview Omnec Onec – Curtis Cooperman
The main subjects of this 53 minutes interview were Omnec’s book “The Venusian Trilogy“, her arrival on Earth, the transformation of the Earth, the Operation Peace Programme, Nicola Tesla and much more.
Visit Curtis’ very interesting website! Curtis Cooperman spreads very interesting information, among others he is specified on Nicola Tesla (who originally came from Venus as well). This is the direct link to the page he specifically created for Omnec Onec. When you scroll down a little, you can among others also see the link to this interview.
We thank Curtis Cooperman for this interview, Omnec and I really enjoyed it a lot”
Double-DVD “The Unknown History of the Solar System and the Spiritual Transformation of the Earth”
In the interview, we mention the double-DVD “The Unknown History of the Solar System and the Spiritual Transformation of the Earth” (English and German). It can be ordered via Amazon as well as directly at the publisher’s house DAS GUTE BUCH. More Infos about the DVD.
Love and Blessings
Anja CR Schäfer and Omnec Onec
September 13th, 2013