Omnec Onec

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Teachings of the Venusians: Omnec Onec Interview with Hans Gaarder

Omnec Onec Interview Hans Gaarder

Omnec Onec Interview Hans Gaarder

Relaxed, humorous and full of knowledge like always, Omnec Onec answers Hans Gaarders questions.

Recording from Oct. 8, 2014 in Oslo, Norway

The covered subjects in this interview

o    Omnec introduces herself
o    How and why I came to Earth as a 7 year old child
o    My encounter with Muhammad Ali at the Faces Nightclub in Chicago
o    The beginning of my public work with Wendelle Stevens in the Ninetees
o    About my interview with Marina Popovich
o    I see the Soul of every person I encounter
o    Colonies from other planets inhabited the Earth
o    Genetic manipulation on the humans on Earth
o    Invasion by the Plejadians
o    People live in the center of the Earth
o    Half of the Plejadians are controlling, half of them are very spiritually aware
o    I was Peter, one of Christ’s disciples, and I help Christ to be free again

More subjects
o    Valiant Thor from the interior of Venus
o    Most planets are hollow
o    How we freed ourselves when Venus was still physically inhabited
o    Other extraterrestrials on Earth
o    Life in other dimensions
o    Every lifeform is a Soul
o    Soul evolution and experiences
o    The Journey of Soul
o    Pets are on the last stage before becoming a human
o    Through the Transformation Process, the Earth is protected from negative aliens
o    The Venusians are the ancestors of the white people on Earth
o    The Brotherhood of the Planets
o    Manifesting physical bodies to live in the physical
o    George Adamski, the first Earth contactee with Venusians
o    Everything was brought to the Earth to create a paradise
o    The Transformation of the Earth is happening now
o    Spaceships are located around the Earth and they are sending energy to the Earth
o    The negative powers know that they are falling, but they are still trying to fight back
o    Things will get worse before they get better
o    Far more advanced technology of the extraterrestrials
o    Mind control is necessary to have high technology
o    I am not into the Big Bang theory – I go with the Creator
o    I studied alchemy with Saint Germain
o    I have not a scientific mind in this life – I work more with the emotions
o    Replace criticism and judgement with acceptance with love
o    Unconditional love is the kind of love the Creator has for every living thing
o    I love you, because you are, that is the kind of love we have to have for each other

AMUAL ABAKTU BARAKA BASHAD – May the Universal Love and Blessings be

Hans Gaarder

Hans Gaarder

Omnec Onec Interview Hans Gaarder

Omnec Onec Interview with Hans Gaarder