Omnec Onec

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Omnec Onec speaks with host Lauren Galey from Healing Conversations

Omnec Onec just gave a 1 hour interview to Lauren Galey from “Healing Conversations”. It is going to be made available for free at Lauren’s website on May 29, 2015.

Please join Lauren and Omnec Onec in a Healing Conversation on Tuesday, May 29 at: 3pm Pacific / 4pm  Mountain / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern / 10pm GMT.

Register here for this Free Series:

You will get an email from Lauren Galey for the show 2 hours before the event and can listen to replay anytime.

Preview of the contents of the interview between Lauren Galey and Omnec Onec

It was a wonderful, very relaxed interview and Omnec shared much information on her life, her mission, and more. Some of the subjects Omnec speaks about are:

  • My journey from Venus to Earth
  • Meeting with my spiritual guides
  • Arrival on Earth and adjustment period in a Tibetan monestary
  • Paul Twitchell, the founder of Eckankar in the Sixties
  • My physical exchange with the girl Sheila Gipson
  • The purpose of my book [The Venusian Trilogy] is to make people aware that they are much more than a physical existence
  • About the other dimensions and the journey of Soul through the levels of consciousness
  • Every advancement is a journey back to where Soul originates from
  • Soul is not what it does – everything is just an experience
  • Love above all is the most important
  • Death is only a transition from one existence to the other
  • The importance of sounds, mantras, and colors to practise Soul Travel
  • Planets are hollow
  • I share the true story of Christ to help release people of old religious beliefs
  • Announcement of new book “Simply Wisdom and Love – Venusian Spirituality
  • A call from Omnec: Keep an open mind. We are all Souls at different levels of consciousness.

Omnec Onec’s CDs

On Lauren Galey’s website, you will have the opportunity to purchase all of Omnec’s three available CDs for the price of two. As an additional gift you will receive a PDF Download with four unpublished texts by Omnec.

OOCD05_FromVenus OOCD04_MyMission OOCD02_SoulJourney