Omnec Onec

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DVD: The interview in the Central Courtyard of Kaphof Manor at Hückelhoven, Germany

Omnec Onec Special Package plus DVD ENAlthough Omnec Onec had never lived permanently in Germany, she had spent much time in the German speaking countries between 1994 and 2004 working publicly as a spiritual teacher and giving many lectures and workshops.

While Omnec was living at the Kaphof in Germany (between 2001 and 2004), the independent filmmaker Patricia Müller from PARA-VIDEO took the chance and asked her for an interview. Now, almost 10 years have passed until this interview has been published, but the contents of this unique recording are timeless and very interesting.

Now, this interview is available in English and German. The DVD can only be ordered directly at Patricia Müller. You find a detailed DVD-description as well as the order information below.

I hope you enjoy watching this very private and informative DVD with Omnec Onec!

I send you all my love and blessings and wish you a really happy and healthy New Year 2014!


Omnec Onec – The interview in the Central Courtyard of Kaphof Manor at Hückelhoven, Germany

Omnec Onec Special Package plus DVD EN

Omnec Onec Special Package plus DVD EN

Hueckelhoven is a small village located between Aachen and Mönchengladbach in Germany. Just outside the town Kaphof manor is layn where Omnec Onec used to live a few years ago for a few months in every year. Omnec Onec was born on planet Venus. She tells us about her life on Venus. In the interview we talk about life on the astral plane of Venus, hollow worlds, manifesting by thoughts, the cosmic origin of the human races, the relief efforts of the extraterrestrials, the transformation process of earth and about many more items.

The chapters include:

  • Living conditions on Venus
  • Sleep and Meditation
  • Manifestation of Pets
  • Nutrition and Manifestation of Things
  • About Animals generally
  • Names of Germanic Mythology
  • Hollow Worlds
  • The astral Dimension and Magic
  • Multiple Levels of Astral
  • The black Race in Outer Space and on Earth
  • ‘Communication’ in the earthly way
  • Manipulations of Consciousness and Religions
  • Private Backgrounds
  • George Adamski
  • Moon Landing and Alternative  A/B/C
  • Return to Venus?

Second item on the DVD: Kurt Abildskov – Contact with Space People

Kurt Abildskov is a former pilot and lieutenant colonel of the Danish Air Force. UFOs and the space people are his special field. Even Kurt had contact to Venusians. We went to Ebeltoft in Denmark and conducted an interview with him.

The chapters include:

  • UFO experiences in various Air Forces
  • Contact with George Adamski and people from Venus
  • UFO events in Danish airspace
  • A strange encounter in Paris
  • A series of weird events happening during slideshows
  • Open Contact Law and Prime Directive
  • Alternative Energies and the Status Quo
  • Possibility of open contacts
  • UFO crashes
  • Mayan Calendar and Crystal Skulls
  • New UFO facts in Brazil
  • Charles Green and Bashar
  • Ashtar Sheran and Help for the Earth
  • Star Children and Indigo Children

You can order the DVD only from:

Patricia Müller
Friedhofstrasse 5
47877 Willich
Phone 0049 (0) 21 54/95 38 22
e-Mail: para-info(at)

The price of the DVD is 16 Euros. Run length is 56 and 75 Minutes