
Omnec is doing fine. The after-effects of her stroke might never disappear completely, Omnec’s left side is still partly paralyzed, but her speech has improved a lot and Omnec is relatively fit and stable.

Public Appearances

Many people ask if Omnec will ever give public appearances in the USA (and/or other countries as well).
To be honest, this is completely open, BECAUSE it depends on the fact if someone is able to organize and to finance this. Omnec cannot travel all by herself, and due to her health situation she is not able to give lectures and workshops like in her old, healthy days when she was traveling through Europe a lot.

In a few weeks, the English book “The Venusian Trilogy” will be available – it’s at the printer’s house in Germany right now. In the beginning, the book will probably only be shipped from Europe, but the publisher is working on a cooperation with a big American distributor or publisher.

If some kind of promotion tour will be organized and executed one day with Omnec – I just can’t say this at this time.
But if many of you keep wanting it and have the wish to meet Omnec personally … who knows – it might help to put this into action 🙂

Home-Visualizations for Omnec

Thank you so much for all your wonderful and loving feedbacks and promises to help Omnec visualize her own home! (see news from March 20th, 2012)

Until today, neither her living nor her insecure financial situation have changed yet.

And last but not least …

Personal contact with Omnec

Unfortunately not possible. Maybe this could be different one day, if Omnec is living together with a person who is active in the internet and able to assist Omnec in this kind of way. But at the moment, this is still a dream and probably it also could not be offered for free (unless a “break-through” happens one day finally and Omnec eventually is financially in a better condition …)

I cannot offer to forward requests and questions to her – it would go beyond the scope of time.

Thank you very much for your understanding.
