Omnec has safely arrived in Germany. She is doing well and everything is going as planned.Once again we would like to thank you for your support, which has made this new trip to Germany possible.
At the moment, we are preparing Omnec’s 65th Birthday-Party on next Tuesday, August 20th.
This evening, Omnec and I had dinner in a Greek restaurant in Stockach. We have taken this opportunity to have a new photo of us taken. .
Some highlights:
- Omnec Onec presentation
- Irmgard Huwyler plays the crystal bowls and sings
- Omnec Onec and Anja CR Schäfer present the Oasis Project – The Vision of a Place in Harmony with the Universe.
Please also bring something warm with you, because in the evening it may already be cooler.
There are also still some available dates for attending private group meetings in September, which take place every Wednesday and Saturday. For details please check the calendar.
Love and Blessings
Anja and Omnec