Omnec Onec

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Omnec just asked me to share the following request with you:

Dear friends,
I would appreciate it if you helped me visualizing a house with at least six bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms, so that I have room for myself and for my children, if they need it.
Please help me to visualize this so that I have a place called “Home”.
Thank you.
Love and Blessings,


Annotation from Anja: Omnec hardly ever asked for anything in her whole life. Since a couple of years, she lives a safe and calm life at a good friend’s house, but she feels that this can’t go on forever. Most of you know that she had a stroke in 2009, so she is not really able to travel and to work very much, but if she had a place called “Home”, it would be possible for her to give Private Sessions and to share her spiritual teachings with you again to a certain extend.
I hope you don’t consider this request to be a “begging letter” or something like that, because that’s not what it is. It’s more like “Imagination is the key to creation”, it’s just a request to help visualizing a deep dream. Maybe, when you help visualizing this together with and for Omnec, it brings something into the flow and new wonders happen … 🙂

Thank you!!
