Omnec Onec

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Intl. UFO Conference in Norway 2014

Theme: “Contact with Extraterrestrials”

OmnecOnec_kolibri_webOmnec Onec is going to be one of the speakers at the International UFO Conference in Norway 2014.

This is the only UFO conference in the world that we know of who has no UFO researchers as speakers, but either extraterrestrials or contactees, that is people having long term contact with our friends from other planets.

The event is scheduled for October 10 to 12 and is going to take place at the First Hotel Marin, Rosenkrantzgaten 8, Bergen, Norway.

Omnec gives lectures on Friday, Oct. 10, at 3.30 p.m. and on Saturday, Oct. 11, at 6 p.m. You can find all announced contents in the programme:

On the UFO-Conference website, you can find all further details like the contact information and order tickets.

The conference language is English.

On October 8th, Omnec will give an appearance in Oslo. Please click on this link for Omnec Onec’s complete schedule 2014.

Omnec Onec UFO Conference Norway 2014

One of the other speakers in Norway is Robert Scott Lemriel (USA)

Robert Scott Lemriel is the author of the The Seres Agenda, a trailblazing book that contains a completely new information about the transformation process of the Earth in connection with positive and supporting influences not only from physical extraterrestrials, but also from higher realms.

He also contributed a fascinating new chapter to Omnec Onec’s book The Venusian Trilogy titled The new Supreme Deity or Sugmad Expansion Ray. Omnec thankfully included this chapter into her book, because she appreciates the value and worth of this information.

Robert Scott Lemriels website is

This video informs about The Seres Agenda:

Thank to a supporter, the first 8 chapters of The Seres Agenda had been translated into German by DISCUS Publishing Services – Anja CR Schäfer. In order to be able to complete the translation and publish the book in German, we are looking for a new supporter. Please contact us: – THANK YOU.

Read more about the four lecturers Omnec Onec, Robert Scott Lemriel, Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens and Jerry Wills on the UFO Conference website: