Omnec Onec

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Video and photos of Omnec Onec at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015

Please enjoy this unique video recording with Omnec Onec! When you scroll down a little, you can also see a little photo gallery of the event in August 2015 in Mount Shasta.

For those of you who don’t know it: Omnec Onec had a stroke in 2009. Her left body half is partly paralyzed, and her speech is still a little affected. She is in good spirits. This recording was taken on August 20 on Omnec’s birthday.

Omnec Onec at Mt Shasta Conference from PortalToAscension on Vimeo.

. Thank you very much to Rob Potter, Ryan Marchand and Neil Gaur for making this possible.

Video with Omnec Onec at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015 – THE CONTENTS OF HER TALK

Intro with Irmgard Huwyler from Switzerland with crystal singing bowls and soul chant

  • The Unknown History of our Solar System
  • The Inhabitation of our Solar System
  • The Colonization of the Earth
  • Genetic Manipulation on the human race

Omnec’s biography

  • How I chose to come to Earth
  • Before, I lived on the astral level on Venus – in Teutonia
  • Life on the astral on Venus: Relationships, sex, birth, education, temples of learning, antigravity, manifestation, creation, no money, no jobs, creative life, teleportation, bubble crafts, gatherings, spiritual conventions, spiritual masters, Rami Nuri, houses, sounds and colors
  • Healing place for traumatized Souls

The Journey of Soul through the levels of consciousness

  • Soul chooses its experiences
  • Every experience is valuable for the Soul
  • The purpose of Soul is to experience being all minerals, plants, animals, human beings
  • As a human being you are the caretaker of all the other life forms, because you need them for your existence

God created everything out of Love

  • “I, God create everything, so I will never cease to exist.”
  • God created everything in non-ending cycles.
  • Everyting procreates from itself.
  • God exists forever through us. It’s all created out of love.
  • God created us with the free will to experience what we want to experience.
  • We experience the darkness in order to know the light
  • The story of the little Soul
  • In the eyes of the Soul, there is no negative and no positive.
  • Unconditional Love means to to love every human being no matter what they do, because that’s not what they are.


  • Death is a transformation from one existence to another form
  • Coming back to experience everything possible​

The four original races

  • Venusians have hands bent like flames (34.50)
  • The white race, the yellow race, the black race, the red race

Reasons why I came to Earth

  • to teach people that there are beings on other planets
  • they are your ancestors
  • true heritage
  • this knowledge belongs to you
  • to teach people about the Soul, you are not the physical body, this is a temporary state
  • to be a loving human being is important, not what you do or choose to experience, this is up to you

Life on Earth

Eating habits, smoking, alcohol

Questions and Answers (min. 47.00)

Mount Shasta 2015 Photo Gallery