Video and photos of Omnec Onec at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015
Please enjoy this unique video recording with Omnec Onec! When you scroll down a little, you can also see a little photo gallery of the event in August 2015 in Mount Shasta.
For those of you who don’t know it: Omnec Onec had a stroke in 2009. Her left body half is partly paralyzed, and her speech is still a little affected. She is in good spirits. This recording was taken on August 20 on Omnec’s birthday.
Omnec Onec at Mt Shasta Conference from PortalToAscension on Vimeo.
. Thank you very much to Rob Potter, Ryan Marchand and Neil Gaur for making this possible.
Video with Omnec Onec at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015 – THE CONTENTS OF HER TALK
Intro with Irmgard Huwyler from Switzerland with crystal singing bowls and soul chant
- The Unknown History of our Solar System
- The Inhabitation of our Solar System
- The Colonization of the Earth
- Genetic Manipulation on the human race
Omnec’s biography
- How I chose to come to Earth
- Before, I lived on the astral level on Venus – in Teutonia
- Life on the astral on Venus: Relationships, sex, birth, education, temples of learning, antigravity, manifestation, creation, no money, no jobs, creative life, teleportation, bubble crafts, gatherings, spiritual conventions, spiritual masters, Rami Nuri, houses, sounds and colors
- Healing place for traumatized Souls
The Journey of Soul through the levels of consciousness
- Soul chooses its experiences
- Every experience is valuable for the Soul
- The purpose of Soul is to experience being all minerals, plants, animals, human beings
- As a human being you are the caretaker of all the other life forms, because you need them for your existence
God created everything out of Love
- “I, God create everything, so I will never cease to exist.”
- God created everything in non-ending cycles.
- Everyting procreates from itself.
- God exists forever through us. It’s all created out of love.
- God created us with the free will to experience what we want to experience.
- We experience the darkness in order to know the light
- The story of the little Soul
- In the eyes of the Soul, there is no negative and no positive.
- Unconditional Love means to to love every human being no matter what they do, because that’s not what they are.
- Death is a transformation from one existence to another form
- Coming back to experience everything possible
The four original races
- Venusians have hands bent like flames (34.50)
- The white race, the yellow race, the black race, the red race
Reasons why I came to Earth
- to teach people that there are beings on other planets
- they are your ancestors
- true heritage
- this knowledge belongs to you
- to teach people about the Soul, you are not the physical body, this is a temporary state
- to be a loving human being is important, not what you do or choose to experience, this is up to you
Life on Earth
Eating habits, smoking, alcohol