Omnec Onec

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A Wonderful “Thank you” Letter to Omnec

We have just received such a wonderful photo and email which we simply want to share with you:Rosemarie+Omnec+Mario_FN12.9.14

“Dear Omnec,
we met you last Friday in Friedrichshafen in the evening speech at the 12th of Sept. 2014 .
We came from Munich to see you and were so happy that Anja brought you here from America. For you it was a very long journey to see us for the first time and also all the others, and we felt that you were lucky too.
We thank you and Anja for this wonderful evening which we will never forget. We learned so much.
Your messages we keep deep in our heart. They`ll guide us the rest of our life. Thank you.

In rememberance of this lovely event we made some pictures which we will share with you. Look in the appendix above.

Hope we`ll see you again soon. We wish you a very good time. Let your light shine.

We embrace you and send kisses .

We love you !

God bless you !

Yours Mario and Rosemarie