Update on Omnec’s and Tobi’s Life Situation with Love and Gratitude
YouTube July 29, 2021
♡ Update: Tobi expresses her gratitude for all your love, support, and donations ♡ Link: https://youtu.be/mkyKfC2u99k
Dear friend of Omnec, dear Soul!
Can you imagine living in a world where subjects like …
♡ the pursuit of happiness
♡ unlimited freedom of self-expression, spiritual expansion, creativity, relaxation, and traveling
♡ the care for basic needs that we as human beings in physical dimensions simply have
♡ the necessity of receiving dentures or implants are not considered “cosmetic” or “luxury” issues, but
… are simply your birthright?
Can you imagine living in a society gently guided by spiritual leaders who are wise, humble, and loving and who are in tune with the LAWS OF THE SUPREME DEITY?
You may say I’m a dreamer,
but I’m not the only one
Maybe one day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one.
John Lennon, Imagine, 1971
(one of Omnec’s favorite songs that she used to play and to sing on any occasion …) Well, obviously we are not living in a world like that yet, however, our dear friend Omnec Onec has spent her whole live with sharing love, truth, and visions of a world she remembers from her life on the astral Venus. Omnec taught us that the systems on Earth are going to change through our imaginative power, the return to the living light, and unconditional love.
You are invited to watch Tobi’s and my video update sharing her and her mothers’ gratitude for all your love and support and giving an update on their current life situation.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to send an email.
❤️ With Love, Gratitude, and Blessings ❤️
♡ Did Omnec’s Love and Teachings reach you? Do you feel like giving something to her in return to support her now – especially for her dental treatment? ♡
If you can and would like to send a donation, please use these options:
💜 ♡ ✔ Donations for Omnec’s Teeth ▼
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ATRUTN5CENN8S
Bank Transfer: Tobi Greenenwald, CHASE BANK, CHASUS33, Account No. 3846131929, Routing No. 071000013
Venmo: Tobi Greenenwald, @Tobi-Greenenwald
Omnec Onec direct, Viabuy Master Card, IBAN: LU94 4080 0000 9083 4862, BIC: BCIRLULLXXX
❤️ With love and gratitude to all Omnec Onec friends ❤️
Update: Newsletter from July 17, 2021
💜 Donations successful for a car for Tobi & Omnec and Tobi’s return to Missouri
Link to the Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/f5246110934b/omnecs-amazing-angel-army-update-1
💜 Current Call from Tobi ♡ Omnec’s Daughter ♡ YouTube June 11, 2021 💜
Dear Soul!
We are sharing this very private information with you as one of Omnec Onec’s friends today, because her life situation has come to the point where we want to openly tell you what’s going on. We are grateful for your attention and – if you want and can – your help.
♡ A short review on Omnec Onec’s Life Situation until today ♡
Omnec Onec has been living in a very rural area in the middle of Missouri since 2004. A good old friend of hers, Bob, had offered her a place to live in times when she had no real home. In the last years, he got Alzheimers. Since then, Omnec and him have been helping and supporting mutually to the best of their abilities.
Meanwhile, the time has come when Omnec’s friend is supposed to move to his daughter’s in Illinois, because the two of them cannot live alone without help any longer. This is one reason why we (Robert Potter, the organizer of the Mount Shasta Summer Conference) started to help last year with raising funds so they can find a new place to live. There is still the idea to move to California, possibly to Mount Shasta.
♡ Current Situation – Omnec and Tobi need help ♡
Tobi, Omnec’s only daughter, loves her Mom and wants to be as her caretaker and one of her closest family members at her side. She went to Missouri to help Omnec move so that they eventually can live together. But not only that: Tobi also has the intention to help her Mom coming out of her retirement to be more present and visible for us all again after all these years of taking care physically for her old friend and herself. (Omnec had a stroke in 2009).
♡ Did Omnec’s Love and Teachings reach you? Do you feel like giving something to her in return to support her now? ♡
If you can and would like to send a donation to the both of them, please use these possibilities:
💜 ♡ ✔ Donations for Omnec and Tobi ▼
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ATRUTN5CENN8S
Bank Transfer: Tobi Greenenwald, CHASE BANK, CHASUS33, Account No. 3846131929, Routing No. 071000013
Venmo: Tobi Greenenwald, @Tobi-Greenenwald
Omnec Onec direct, Viabuy Master Card, IBAN: LU94 4080 0000 9083 4862, BIC: BCIRLULLXXX
❤️ With love and gratitude to all Omnec Onec friends ❤️